How you can donate and help OUR Church
ways you can donate:

Online Donations:
For those who are able and want to continue to financially support the work of Hope United, donations can be made through Canada Helps (https://www.canadahelps.org)
Click this link to be taken directly to the Canada Helps page for Hope United.
Hope United also gratefully accepts e-transfers at donations@hopeunitedchurch.ca
PAR Program:
What is PAR?
PAR stands for Pre-Authorized Remittance, a monthly withdrawal directly from your bank account. If you pay bills, taxes or your mortgage through automatic withdrawals, then you already understand the principle behind giving through PAR.
How does PAR benefit donors?
Many contributors find PAR is the most convenient way to support the valuable programs of their faith community. As a PAR contributor, you do not have to worry about cash or writing cheques or remembering your offering envelope on Sunday. Your PAR contributions continue through summer or your vacation time, so you do not have to worry about “catching up” later.
How does PAR benefit the church?
Donors who contribute through PAR provide a steady, reliable income for the work of the church. This increase in financial stability enables the church to plan programs and budget responsibly. PAR simplifies the record-keeping and accounting of donations and even eliminates paper waste as we “live with respect in creation.”
Can I still designate my givings to my local church funds or Mission & Service (M&S)?
PAR contributors at Hope United authorize a total to be withdrawn on the 20th of each month. The total can be designated to one or more of three funds: LOCAL, MISSION & SERVICE and BUILDING according to the contributor’s instructions. LOCAL funds are used for the general operations and programming of the church, M&S funds go to the United Church of Canada to support mission work across Canada and around the world. BUILDING funds go toward the upkeep of the physical infrastructure at Hope United. Special offering envelopes are also provided for PAR donors. You can change the amount and designation of your givings at any time by calling the church office.
How do I participate in the Offering Time during Sunday worship?
Making an offering is an important part of our weekly worship. PAR cards are available at the entrances each week for you to place on the offering plate as a symbol of your gift.
How do I register or get more information?
PAR registration forms are available on the bulletin boards, from the church office or click the link below, download print fill out the form and mail with your voided cheque to the church c/o
Envelope Secretary Nancy Nelson
Hope United Church
3055 Connaught Avenue
Halifax NS B3L 3A7
Office: 902-455-0261 or office@hopeunitedchurch.ca